Q: Why might a short cleanse be necessary before a skin consultation?

A: To observe skin response and determine any skin barrier impairment.

Q: Is it important to wash my skin?

A: It is important not to disrupt the fragile barrier of the skin by over cleaning or stripping the skin or by using harsh face washes or scrubs or face wipes. It is important to understand ‘squeaky clean skin’ will disrupt the oil production which could lead to dryness or excessive oil production, which could exacerbate breakouts. The correct cleanser is a vital part of your skincare routine.

Q: Do I need to ‘tone’ the skin?

A: No toning the skin is not necessary if using the correct cleanser as it should leave the skin residue free. Conventional toners are often used to remove residue of a cleanser and further strip the skin of its natural oils.

A: Is it OK to squeeze my spots?

Q: Although tempting, squeezing a spot creates a wound and the wound healing process takes a lot longer to heal than a spot. It also causes infection and inflammation leading to further spots, leaves discolouration, scarring, and permanent pits. By allowing the body to flush out the pus itself, it leaves the skin surface intact. However frustrating, it is to be avoided at all costs. In the clinic we have a range of spot treatments to treat breakouts and acne.

A: How should I maintain hair growth in between permanent hair removal sessions?

Q: Hairs should be trimmed close to the skin with small nail scissors. Tweezing, shaving encourages hair growth and depilatory creams cause skin irritation and possible reaction.

Q: How long does the hair have to be to have electrolysis treatment?

A: Allow enough of the hair shaft (1mm to 2mm) to be held by the tweezers to ensure the hair can be extracted once treated. After a few sessions the client usually feels they do not need to maintain the hair growth in between as it is much reduced.

Q: Do you treat rosacea?

A: Yes we use products specifically designed for the treatment of rosacea combined with a facial Dermalux LED light treatment.

Q: Do you remove moles?

A: Using Advanced Electrolysis it is possible to visibly reduce the appearance of a mole. Generally the profile can be reduced.

Q: Can you get rid of red veins?

A: Telangiectasia, also known as red veins and broken capillaries can be treated using Advanced Electrolysis diathermy treatment. You would expect to see a 60-80% improvement in the appearance of thread veins, depending on your age, health and lifestyle.